Writs’ Guide to KLEE 2024 is an essential study guide that can help you in your law entrance exam preparations. It is a concise, easy to understand guide that contains all topics that are important for the Kerala Law Entrance Examination 2025
It covers:
Legal Aptitude,
General English,
Arithmetic & Mental Ability and
General Knowledge
New Criminal Laws
Written in a systematic and straightforward fashion, the guide will help you to easily learn, revise and practice the entire syllabus of KLEE 2025

Writs covers all the topics that are relevant for the Kerala Law Entrance Examination 2024.
Solved Question papers
10 solved previous year question papers for understanding the exam pattern.
mind maps
Easy to understand mind maps for getting a birds view of important concepts.


WRITS Digest
A highly curated current affairs digest prepared exclusively for law aspirants.
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We are happy because
our students are happy
Here is a collection of quotes taken directly from our dear students
Aravind Ravi
My name is Aravind Ravi. I wrote last year’s KLEE but to no avail. The thought of putting aside a year got the better of me, made my thoughts blurred and made me rethink my career path. Just when I lost all hope and morale, I decided to join the Writs classes (which I got to know through their guide). This decision was a life-changing point for me. It’s perfectly alright to say that the institute not only imparted education in its pristine form but also ensured that its students carried with them an optimistic POV. I still remember Navaneet sir’s opening remarks, those words made sure that my mind won’t act as an impediment against me. The informative, brief and clear classes, countless mock tests, rapid revision series etc. all ensured that I approached KLEE the way it should be approached. Yesterday I got allotted GLC Ernakulam, and a mere thanks won’t do.
I owe it to you guys big time.
Thank you
Rahul P. Vinish
Extremely thankful to Team writs for helping me achieve my deepest desire kudos to your unconditional support and flawless approach to educational guidance will consider myself be privileged to have become a part of the Writs family and will always look forward to being part of much greater ventures from your team
Midhu K. Mohan
I attended two crash courses offered by Writs.
My takeaways/observations:
- A crash course, unlike a regular course, has to be designed in a way that covers the whole syllabus in a short period of time. The team at Writs effectively taught us all the relevant exam topics without losing focus on conceptual clarity within the stipulated time.
- The quality of the learning materials is excellent. The Writs Guide Book, recorded video sessions, notes & online mock tests elevate your learning experience and familiarise you with concepts.
- Writs has great teachers who are experts in their relevant subject areas. I particularly liked the sessions by Mr Mashood Kunnatheeri & Mr Ajay Ratnan.
I have been able to secure a good rank because of the immense support and guidance from the Writs faculty. Thank you, Writs! Wishing your team the very best in all your future endeavours!
Josiya Joy
This is really amazing! A great help for KLEE aspirants in such affordable amount.. You guys truly deserve more and more blessings! May God bless you and soo thankful for your help and guidance ❤️
Writs is doing a great service to the society..I pray that it will be possible to move forward …I will suggest to those who need a good class at a low cost…and THANK YOU VERY MUCH WRITS EDU…..🔥🔥🔥
Aparna RS
The best decision that I had taken in 2022 was to join Writs❤️
Thank you Team Writs for your efforts . 💯💯💯❤️
Joseph Noble
First of all a huge applause to the writs team for their immense work and dedication for making a guide for KLEE. The guide helped me in various examinations like CUSAT, KLEE and DU LLB and I got 5th rank for CUSAT and 230th rank for KLEE. I still wonder how you guys made the whole facilities very economical and user-friendly, the guide, 3 day crash course and 3 mock tests are really worth for the money I spent.
Shehroon Patel
The mock tests were very useful to become familiar with the entrance exam. The crash course were conducted by the expert faculties of the kozhikode law college. The selfless and dedicated efforts of Writs team deserve all the credit. I will buy all the editions of Writs Guide for my daughter who is now a 10th standard student and aiming to write KLEE entrance after 2 years.
എനിക്ക് എങ്ങനെ നന്ദി പറയണമെന്നറിയില്ല. ഒരുപാട് നന്ദി. Writs ഒരുപാട് influence ചെയ്തിട്ടുണ്ട് .ഒരുപാട് സഹായിച്ചു. ഞാൻ plus two കഴിഞ്ഞിട്ട് ഒരു പ്രാവശ്യം എഴുതിയിട്ടുണ്ടായിരുന്നു. But അന്നെനിക്ക് കിട്ടിയില്ല. റാങ്ക് 2000 ആയിരുന്നു. കോഴിക്കോട് ഉള്ള നല്ലൊരു കോച്ചിംഗ് സെൻററിൽ ആയിരുന്നു ഞാൻ പോയിട്ടുണ്ടായിരുന്നത്. പക്ഷേ എന്തുകൊണ്ടോ അന്ന് എനിക്ക് കിട്ടിയില്ല. ഇപ്രാവശ്യം എഴുതണം എന്ന് വിചാരിച്ചപ്പോൾ നല്ല രീതിക്ക് മനസ്സിലാവുന്ന ഒരു സ്ഥലത്ത് ചേരണം നല്ല ആഗ്രഹം ഉണ്ടായിരുന്നു. ഓരോ ക്ലാസ് ഒന്നിനൊന്നു മെച്ചമായിരുന്നു.. well organized.. ഇനി എനിക്ക് അറിയാവുന്നവരോട് ഞാൻ ഏറ്റവും സന്തോഷത്തോടെ Writs പേര് പറഞ്ഞു കൊടുക്കും. അത്രമാത്രം Writs എന്നെ സഹായിച്ചിട്ടുണ്ട്. Thanks a lot ❤️❤️❤️
Hey! I got allotted to Kozhikode law college itself as I wished. It wouldn’t have been possible even by a mere chance to have gotten this opportunity without your faculty and training. It was indeed a great experience and chance to have become a part of your training session and you guys are literally nailing it. Great work sir!!!
I had literally no idea about KLEE but thanks to Hamed for introducing me to WRITS. Thanks for the support and amazing coaching conducted never in my wildest dreams I thought I could have made it into a Govt. Law college. Didn’t even think I’ll get qualified for an entrance exam because was not at all prepared. I was not at all confident of getting qualified because I wasn’t even able to crack a management seat admission exam in a college but all thanks to the almighty and your team for making a huge milestone in my path. It wouldn’t be enough of expressing my gratitude.
Thanks a lot.
I came to know about Writs through my roommates. Initially, it was all Greek to me, from there to cracking the exams I wished, you people worked wonders among many of us.
The vim and vigour your team had from its inception to the end are mesmerizing.
Writs is in a class of its own for its immaculate teaching skills and valuable guidance. Wishing the team writs all the very best for their stellar growth in the coming future. Eternally grateful.
Nejulamol A.
Thank you is the least I can say to show my appreciation for every thing you have done for. The content of the guide was awesome. The mock test you provided have made me confident enough to crack the exam. Thank you for being the part of my success.
Ann Maria James
The guide was very helpful all through my preparation. Thank you writs for providing the guide in very reasonable cost and for the classes and mock test provided.